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Protagonists, businesses, events

by: Riccardo Esposito

translated from italian by: Jehanne Marchesi

The  “homes” of fashion are more and more identifiable with large cities, the seats of the final epiphany of a complex creative, productive and commercial process composed of various stages often situated in far less central districts and localities.  This identification is justified by the birth and historical development of the “industry of fashion”, linked as it has been since the XIX century with the economic, political and cultural centrality of the polis rather than with minor or marginal urban places and realities: so that, according to this conviction, the significant representations of fashion and fashions are to be found in metropoli or capitals such as Paris, London, New York, Rome, Milan and certainly not in small provincial  cities or mountain villages;  this leads to  minor tourist localities   thinking of “fashionable places” or  places where fashion is exhibited as being elsewhere and not as central to their own  creations and production. (…)

italian edition available

€ 44,65 € 47,00
Additional information
Peso: 1.250kg
Dimensioni: 24.5 x 23.5 x 2.5 cm
ISBN: 9788860910707

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