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by: Gustaf Munthe and Gudrun Von Uexküll

introductions by: Malcom and Katriona Munthe

Villa San Michele today photographs by Umberto D’Aniello

Many  readers  of  The  Story  of  San Michele  must  have  asked  themselves:  “What  is  this  man  Axel Munthe really like? Even though we may never meet him personally  it  would  be  interesting  to  know  how  much truth and how much fiction there is in the extraordinarily fascinating portrait he draws of himself in every page of his book”.

Those intent on finding out what they call the “truth”  about  him  should  start  with  the  maxim which Axel Munthe invented in a foreword to his book, and which most readers have entirely overlooked: “Ce n’est rien donner aux hommes que de ne pas donner soi-même”.

(from Preface by Gudrun Von Uexküll)

€ 26,60 € 28,00
Additional information
Peso: 0.465kg
Dimensioni: 20 x 18 x 1.5 cm
ISBN: 9788860911315

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